Devon has a dedicated group of individuals who support their fellow residents and provide community leadership. Town boards are an opportunity for the public to become involved with municipal government and town activities.
The boards meet on a monthly and/or as needed basis. Board recruitment takes place annually in the the fall, with board members appointed November 1 of each year.
Get Involved with a Volunteer Board! Small Commitment, Big Reward!
For more information, please contact:
DPL Board meets 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m.
The board consists of 7 members, which have full management and control of the Devon Public Library as per The Alberta Libraries Act Chapter L-11. In accordance with the regulations, the board's mandate is to organize, promote, and maintain comprehensive and efficient library services in the municipality.
Board members duties include preparing yearly budgets, keeping accounts, establishing by-laws & policies as per the Act. Training is provided, including an opportunity to attend a full day workshop put on by the Alberta Library Trustees Association that provides good overview of the responsibilities and duties of a library board member as laid out in the Libraries Act.
Apply here!
Town of Devon Council is creating a Task Force of up to three highly qualified individuals to review existing documents, evaluate the building, interview staff and any other efforts, in order, to provide Council with recommendations for the future of the Former Esso Imperial Oil Resources Building.
Skill Requirements
Individuals must have a high level of knowledge and experience in the area(s) of building construction, repurposing of buildings, building infrastructure (mechanical, plumbing, electrical), demolition and/or other related areas. These are community volunteer positions requiring approximately three months commitment.
Applications closed Sunday, Dec. 1, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
See the Terms of Reference for the Committee here
The Indigenous Relations Advisory Committee will support the development and implementation of initiatives that foster a greater understanding of Treaty Relations/responsibilities while working to increase capacity both internally (government/administration) and externally (community).
This community-driven committee will focus on collaboration and local initiative planning and delivery. This will provide a forum for residents to develop local initiatives that can further enhance education, participation, and leadership.
Click here to fill out the application
The Community Engagement Committee is a Standing Committee of the River Valley Alliance (RVA).
The roles and responsibilities of the Community Engagement Committee and its members are as follows:
The Community Engagement Committee consists of 18 members each appointed by their respective municipality every two years, six members from Edmonton, and two from each of the other RVA municipal stakeholders
The Community Engagement Committee meets the second Wednesday of each month from 7:30 am to 9:00 am at various locations throughout the seven municipalities. Quorum is a majority of the Community Engagement Committee members.
According to Alberta Municipal Affairs, a Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) is a statutory body intended to perform an independent adjudicative function that hears complaints and functions like a court. It is an administrative board mandated by the Municipal Government Act and created by a municipality to carry our appropriate functions and procedures.
The SDAB hears appeals from municipal subdivision and development authorities. SDAB decisions shape the community and affect the lives of developers, neighbours, citizens and businesses. It is important that the public have confidence in the quality of these decisions and the decision making process.
There is mandatory training required to sit on this board. The Town of Devon will fund the training and pay an honorarium.