Town of Devon > Services > Town Services > Everyone’s Community Bus
> Town Services > Everyone’s Community Bus

Devon Transit - Community Bus

Welcome to Devon Transit – Community Bus "Folkswagon". The Town of Devon is proud to offer an accessible, door-to-door, transportation service.  To help understanding of how the service works and expectations, please read this information guide. If you have any questions, please do not hesiste to reach out and we will do our best to assist!

Services Offered

Weekly Service:

Mondays - Leduc. Pre-booking required. Operates approx. 9am -1:30pm. One trip in and one back.

Tuesdays and Thursdays - Devon. On demand between 9:30am - 3:30pm. Specific appointment requests (e.g. doctor or hair appointment) must be pre-booked. 

Pricing (round trip)

$5.00 - Devon (RIDE ALL DAY)

$12.00 - Leduc 

All times are indicated for non-appointments. If you have an appointment request, please call by the times indicated in the table below.

Additional Services:

  • Food Bank collection - this has to be coordinated through the main office. Call 780-987-8308 for details.
  • Special outings (will be advertised in the Dispatch and through print / social media.
  • Rentals - see below for details.


Call 780-910-1960 
Phone is answered Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays only


Service Use and Operation

  • This is a ride-share service; it does not operate like a taxi and there may be times when our driver cannot accommodate a request, due to volumes, weather etc.
  • The bus operates on Mondays to Leduc (one trip in at 9am and back at 1:30pm, book up until 8:30am) and Tuesdays / Thursdays in Devon (9:30am-3:30pm, call any time). The phone is only answered during these times (when safe to do so, otherwise leave a message).
  • Scheduled appointments take priority. If you have a scheduled appointment, it is important that you pre-book with the driver at least one active business day ahead, by noon:

Appointment Day

Book By Noon On








  • If you do not book by these times, your pick-up cannot be guaranteed. Our driver will call any message left to confirm your request – if you do not receive a call back, your message has not been taken, so it is important to follow up.
  • For your single, round-trip cost, you can request multiple stops (e.g. grocery store, pharmacy, coffee shop). The routes the driver uses will always be undertaken on a maximum efficiency basis (e.g. not driving from one end of the town to the other in an ad-hoc fashion).
  • Drivers manage calls on a priority basis and get to people as soon as possible. Sometimes delays are outside of their control. Please be patient.
  • Our drivers can only answer / call you back when they are stationary, and it is safe for them to do so – including not assisting other customers. There may be a delay in response.
  • Please be ready waiting for your pick-up at your door, so that our drivers can best accommodate everyone.
  • Open food and drink consumption is not permitted on the bus.
  • The bus does not operate in inclement weather or on statutory holidays.
  • Passengers are required to be fully clothed and wearing appropriate footwear. In colder weather, riders are required to have full winter coat, hat and gloves in case of breakdown. 
  • If you require an aid / companion to support you, they can ride for free.


  • Registered service animals are permitted. Please contact the driver ahead of time to discuss.
  • Pets may be permitted if the if the pet is properly confined for the duration of the trip (e.g. a cage) and is not a disturbance.


  • Wagons and bikes are not permitted.
  • Strollers are permitted as long as they can easily be collapsed or sit safely on the lift. A child cannot be in the stroller when using the lift. The driver cannot move your stroller on and off the bus but will assist in making sure it is secure.


  • It is your responsibility to ensure that your child can safely ride on the bus - not all car seats will be compatible and must be compliant with the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Act (CMVSS Section 213). We encourage anyone who would like to use the bus with a child to request a free visit to 'check it out' before you ride​.
  • Devon Transit does not provide additional child seats or booster seats – there is one built in for this purpose.
  • ALL passengers out of car seat age/weight are required to wear seat belts on our bus because they are available. For information on Alberta regulations regarding car seats FOLLOW THIS LINK

Children and youth under the age of 16 must be supervised by an adult and it is the responsilbity of the adult to ensure the driver insttruction to "buckle up" is adhered to.

Customer, Bus and Driver Safety & Respectful Behaviour

Respectful Behaviour

  • We do not tolerate disrespectful behaviour. Our drivers and all passengers deserve respect and courteous behaviour. Safety is especially important to the Town of Devon. Negativity or poor behaviour, which may affect the driver or other clients’ safety or wellbeing, is not tolerated and may be grounds for temporary, or permanent cancellation of bus use privileges.
  • Our drivers have the right to refuse service at any time.
  • Once on board, if you are disruptive, disrespectful, shouting, or otherwise being a safety concern, you will be asked to stop. If you do not stop, and our driver feels that you are an urgent concern, you will be asked to leave immediately.
  • If you have any questions about why you have been refused service, you can contact the office at 780-987-8325 to discuss the newly passed Customer Code of Conduct.

Exiting / Entering the Bus

  • Passengers must be physically capable of getting themselves on and off the bus safely with no assistance. Where assistance is required, the passenger must have someone ride with them.

Lift Usage

  • ALL new users who require the lift must check with our driver ahead of time to ensure their situation can be accommodated. This is for first time riders, any new vehicle or where weather or new location may be an issue.
  • This is not a substitute for medical transportation. Our drivers are not qualified to support those with medical needs.
  • All wheelchairs and scooters must be in good, safe working order, including speed adjustment and maneuverability, brakes, clean etc.
  • Lift must be on a level surface to mount / dismount.
  • The bus driver will direct and confirm when it is safe to enter / exit.
  • At any time, our driver can refuse service if you do not have the required support or ability to ride. This is for your safety, as well as that of the driver and other passengers.
  • There is a weight limit, however, even if your vehicle falls below this, you still may not be able to ride if your safety is potentially compromised.
  • Passenger, vehicle and any packages combined may not exceed 750lbs. If your packages are heavy or the driver feels you are risk of overloading the lift, you will need an aid to lift them separately. Please check with driver before any purchases to ensure you can bring them on the bus.
  • Passengers are responsible for getting themselves safely on and off the lift under the guidance of the bus driver. This may include going forwards or backwards and is dependent on the particular weight and size of vehicle.
  • Drivers must be able to securely fasten the tie-downs to the frame of your mobility device. If this isn't possible, you will be required to move to a static seat.
  • You will buckled in by our driver, unless you are transferring to a regular seat. By agreeing to ride, you understand that our driver will be in your personal space.
  • While performed with care, there is a risk of damage and / or injury and the driver will not be responsible for any injury to user or damage to the vehicle while performing these duties.
  • Due to various circumstances, your vehicle may not always be able to access the lift. This can include unsafe surface, location, my inability to drive vehicle safely, weather conditions, change in my health, change in need for an aid, etc.


  • Not all scooters / wheelchairs will fit – it is important that you check with our driver before you make a booking. Our maximum size is 30 x 50 inches and 750lbs.
  • Passengers must drive on and off very slowly and may be required to mount / dismount backwards, depending on your particular vehicle. If the driver does not feel you can safely maneuver, you will not be able to ride.
  • You do not have to transfer to a static seat, but you will be required to sign the waiver to confirm that you understand that the safest location for a passenger is in a static seat. If you choose to transfer, you must do so unaided (scooters only - motorized wheelchair users are exempt).
  • You will buckled in by our driver, unless you are transferring to a regular seat. By agreeing to ride, you understand that our driver will be in your personal space.
  • Please be advised that if the driver does not feel that you or your vehicle is compliant with the above then they have the right to refuse service until it is resolved.


  • Wheelchair seatbelts are mandatory.
  • Wheelchair must have escort handles, functioning brakes and the appropriate hardware for securing into place.
  • Wheelchairs will be secured into place by our driver – if you prefer you or your aid to do it, it will be done under supervision of and checked by our driver.
  • If you have a walker, you must be able to safely use the stairs unaided or have an aid with you for the stairs / lift. The driver will secure your walker.


  • Operate power lifts and ramps on the bus and secure equipment (mobility aids) in the safety restraint devices to the floor of the bus;
  • Direct clients on and off the lift;
  • Assist clients with lap/shoulder straps and belts;
  • Assist clients on and off vehicles supported by light hand, forearm or bicep area for guidance / steadying only. They cannot take any of your weight (e.g. leaning on them) if you require weight bearing support you will need an aid to assist you;
  • Assist customers between the vehicle and the inside of the first exterior set of accessible doors at the place of origin and/or destination if requested (e.g. hold the door).

Rent the Folkswagon! 

  • The bus is available for private rental.
  • Pre-book at least 72 hours in advance (late cancellation fees apply).
  • The bus accommodates up 16 people.
  • Rentals are required to start and end in Devon - restrictions apply.
  • Due to liability, there are restrictions regarding rentals to events where alcohol is served.

Contact the bus drive to get the rental request form and discuss your requirements. 780-910-1960. 

Commendations and Concerns

Your feedback is important to us because:

  • We want to make sure you are happy with our service.
  • Your feedback helps us to grow and improve.
  • We value your opinion.

If you have a commendation or concern, please call it in at 780-987-8325 or by email at



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The Town of Devon acknowledges the land we are on, Treaty Six territory and the homeland of the Métis, which encompasses the traditional lands of the Cree (nehiyawak), Blackfoot (niitsitapi), Nakota (isga), Anishinaabe (anishinaabeg), and Métis (michif) Peoples, who are the legal caretakers and protectors of the lands and waters, and who have been here since time immemorial.

We acknowledge that Devon is within the traditional lands and territories of kiskayôs (Bobtail) and maskêkosihk (Enoch Cree) First Nations. We shall continue to uphold our Treaty responsibilities to all Peoples of Treaty Six and continue to work with all Indigenous Peoples towards a better future together.

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Municipal Office Contact
Town of Devon Municipal Office
1 Columbia Avenue West
Devon, AB T9G 1A1

 Phone: 780-987-8300
 Fax: 780-987-4778
 Google Map: View Large Map

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