4089 Community Events The #YouGotThis campaign took another step forward recently by working with local Devon musical artist Kym Simon to develop a song in support of the campaign. The #YouGotThis campaign was developed by the Town’s Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) department to promote mental health and wellness in Devon’s community. Since it was launched in December 2016, FCSS and the Recreation departments have continued to champion the message to remind residents of the importance of being active, being social and taking care of their mental wellness. “When we launched the #YouGotThis campaign in December, we never imagined we’d have anyone write a theme song about it – and Kym has captured the essence of #YouGotThis perfectly,” said Ki Wilson, FCSS Coordinator for the Town of Devon. “We are so excited that members of our community have embraced #YouGotThis and are continuing to spread the word about the importance of mental wellness and its effect on social, emotional and physical health.” The Town plans to continue the #YouGotThis campaign and wants to remind residents that, as the You Got This song says: “they are here for you…. YOU GOT THIS!” Check out our #YouGotThis song by Kym Simon here! -30- For more information contact: Ki Wilson FCSS Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8325 E: KWilson@devon.ca Justin Janke Communications Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8302 E: JJanke@devon.ca Share Print