2847 Community Events Committee looking for members interested in furthering inclusion within Devon The Town of Devon is proud to launch its new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Alliance, a Committee of Council that will assist Town of Devon staff and leadership on matters of diversity, equity and inclusion and provide a forum for feedback and discussion on these items within the community. The new committee will consist of seven voting members that will help guide Devon Council with continuing to build on the work the Town has done thus far to improve inclusion within Devon, while also working to improve diversity, equity and inclusion in the Town’s future services and programs. Representation on the Alliance will consist of as many diverse perspectives as possible through lived experience, education and work-related expertise. “We want all voices to be heard in our community to ensure we are as inclusive as possible in our municipal programs and services for all our residents,” said Ray Ralph, Mayor for the Town of Devon. “This committee will serve as our link to those voices and provide us with the feedback we need to guide Council and make the most informed decisions on future planning of these programs and services.” Online applications for community members looking to serve on the Town’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Alliance are available at devon.ca/committees. Applications will remain open until Apr. 4, 2021 at midnight. -30- For more information contact: Justin Janke Communications Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8302 E: JJanke@devon.ca Mitch Wincentaylo Indigenous Engagement & Culture and Inclusion Coordinator Town of Devon P: 587-597-0691 E: MWincentaylo@devon.ca Share Print