4048 Community Events Supporting Indigenous Peoples to be a priority for this year’s festivities The Town of Devon commits to supporting all Indigenous Communities by releasing a critical statement regarding Canada Day 2021. Special Statement The statement focuses on three main points: As the Town celebrates Canada Day in the traditional way, we also honor Indigenous Peoples and stand in solidarity with them. The Town respects the healing process that is necessary for all Indigenous Peoples, and especially during this time since the initial discovery of the bodies of 215 children buried in a mass grave at a residential school in Kamloops, BC, and the recent discovery of 751 bodies at Marieval Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan. The Town also recognizes that, regrettably, this number will likely continue to grow as more sites are identified across Canada. As a community within the Métis Homeland, Treaty Six Territory, and within the lands of Kiskayôs and Maskêkosihk Nations, the Town will continue to acknowledge and work together within the spaces of reconciliation and the Treaty Relationship. The Town will continue to stand beside all Indigenous Peoples and practice true allyship through support, healing and friendship. Canada Day 2021 This Canada Day, the Town of Devon is working closely with kehtayayak (Elders) to help guide the Town in a respectful way forward. “As this upcoming Canada Day approaches, we harden our resolve to stand hand in hand with our Indigenous brothers and sisters and support them in their healing process,” said Ray Ralph, Mayor for the Town of Devon. “We encourage all members of our community to show support by decorating their house in orange, wearing an orange t-shirt, tying a ribbon around the memorial fence at Holy Spirit Catholic School, or simply keeping these people in your thoughts and prayers.” Learn more about Indigenous engagement in Devon at devon.ca/indigenous-engagement For more information contact: Jordan Higgs Manager of Recreation, Parks & Culture Town of Devon P: 780-987-8332 E: JHiggs@devon.ca Mitch Wincentaylo Indigenous Engagement Coordinator Town of Devon P: 587-597-0691 E: MWincentaylo@devon.ca Share Print