2987 Community Events The Town of Devon and the Devon Communities in Bloom Committee are excited to welcome two Communities in Bloom judges, Sharon Miller and Shelley Batdorf, to Devon on August 12, 2021. The judges will be greeted at the Town of Devon Office and then embark on a tour of Devon accompanied by members of the committee, councillors, and Town Staff. Communities in Bloom is a volunteer program with the goal of fostering environmental responsibility, civic pride, and beautification within a community with the important underlying principle of community involvement. The Communities in Bloom Program started in Devon in 2017 and has gained a lot of traction over the past few years. The Devon Communities in Bloom committee is comprised of ten individuals from diverse backgrounds who work hard to reach the common goal of seeing Devon reach its full potential. Judging Categories For the second time in Devon’s history, the professionally trained judges will provide an objective look at the accomplishments of the entire community in six key categories: Tidiness Environmental Action Heritage Conservation Urban Forestry Landscape Floral Display The judges visited once before in 2019 when they gave Devon a four bloom score out of five. In 2020, Devon won the “Bloom Where You’re Planted” contest that ran in place of the more formal program. The prize money went toward the purchase of shrubs for the south pumpjack bed. “We are so proud of the work our Communities in Bloom Committee has done since 2019. These last two years, they implemented the “Love your yard!” signs program, the “Community Spirit Lives Here!” program, provided a water tank for the community garden, participated in Pitch-In Devon, and much more,” said Ray Ralph, Mayor for the Town of Devon. “We look forward to welcoming the judges this month and receiving more recommendations about how to enhance our community in the future.” In the month following the visit, the judges will compile a list of recommended actions which the Devon Communities in Bloom Committee will evaluate and implement over the coming year. Learn more about Devon Communities in Bloon on their Facebook page at facebook.com/DevonCIB. -30- For more information, contact: Justin Janke Communications Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8302 E: JJanke@devon.ca Heather Acres Community Development Facilitator Town of Devon/Communities in Bloom P: 780-987-8330 E: HAcres@devon.ca Share Print