2363 Community Events By-election to take place Friday, Feb. 10 at the Devon Community Centre The Town of Devon will be holding a municipal by-election on Friday, Feb. 10, 2023, at the Devon Community Centre to fill one (1) vacant position on Town Council. Prospective candidates can file their nomination by appointment between Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2022, and Friday, Jan. 13, 2023. Nomination Period Those looking to be on the ballot in February must meet the requirements required to serve as a Town Councillor and schedule an appointment with Devon’s Returning Officer or Substitute Returning Officer within the nomination period to officially file their nomination papers. All nomination requirements are available on the Town’s website at devon.ca/2023-by-election. Appointments for nominations can be made: in person at the Town Office (1 Columbia Ave. W), over the phone at 780-987-8310 or via email at MCrothers@devon.ca Municipal Candidates Forum The municipal candidate forum for the by-election will hosted by the Devon & District Chamber of Commerce in person at the Devon Community Centre on Jan. 17, 2023. Advance voting and special ballots There will be one advance voting day taking place on Feb. 4, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Devon Public Library. Additionally, there will be special ballots available for those unable to attend a physical voting station on election day or on the advance voting day. More information on the special ballot process, and eligibility criteria is available at devon.ca/2023-by-election. Voter eligibility Individuals can vote in the Town of Devon’s municipal election if they: Are at least 18 years old. Are a Canadian citizen Are a resident of the Town of Devon on Election Day (Feb. 10, 2023). Individuals who own property or a business in Devon but are not residents are not permitted to vote. Find more details about the 2023 Town of Devon by-election at devon.ca/2023-by-election. Share Print