1783 Community Events On the afternoon of April 6, 2023, the Devon RCMP, with assistance from Parkland and Leduc RCMP Crime Reduction Units, executed a Search Warrant on a commercial dwelling and two motor vehicles following an investigation into a report of a theft of copper wire. The theft had occurred during the early morning hours of April 5 at the Superior Car Wash. Following the execution of the Search Warrant, police recovered the copper wire as well as clothing believed to be worn by the suspects during the commission of the offence. 20-year-old Mackenzie Thomson and 43-year-old Cory Smith have been charged with Theft Under $5000 and Mischief to Property. Both were remanded into custody until their next court appearance on April 11, 2023. The Search Warrant execution resulted in a significant police presence within the community. Sergeant Christopher Mosley, Detachment Commander of the Devon RCMP, advises that the public was not at any risk, however due to potential risks to the police, additional officers were utilized. Sergeant Mosley said, “The assistance provided by our neighboring detachments to bring this investigation to a safe and successful conclusion is a prime example of the excellent working relationship that our detachments share, and showcases the outstanding work done by Alberta RCMP officers every day.” Share Print