1596 Community Events Congratulations to Laura B, Emmitt B, Solana B, and Kali G Devon FCSS is proud to announce the winners of the Six-Word Stories contest. Congratulations Laura B, Emmitt B, Solana B, and Kali G for winning first place in their age category. Devon FCSS challenged residents to exercise their creativity and submit a Six-Word Story in support of Mental Health Week. Six-Word Stories could be about anything the writer chose and must be original content. If you'd like to read everyone's stories, go to devon.ca/sixwords The Winners and Honourable Mentions Age 18+ Laura B - “The view made him exhale deeply.” Nancy P - “Sorrowful skies sigh, dampening fire’s mischief.” Amanda B - “Bewildered, she drew her first breath.” Chantelle D - “Taught. By experience, she feels alive.” Age 13-17 Emmitt B – “Life, something to cherish, endlessly eternal.” Joachim B – “Well, that was tragic, how ironic.” Susanna B – “The huge figure loomed over them.” Amelia H – “She shoots, Crowd roars, Perfect score!” Age 10-12 Solana B – “Made it far, searched for more.” Elena F – “Art, a passion inside, so explore.” Rohan W – “Out of everyone, I choose you.” Serenity C – “We drifted apart as we flew.” Age 7-9 Kali G – “Stand tall even if you’re small.” Pauline H – “Dogs are cute, we love them.” Special Mention Dixie B – “I broke the chains I brought.” Share Print