1113 Community Events New service to offer conversation for those looking to chat while checking out The Town of Devon, IGA and Hardy’s, Your Independent Grocer are proud to announce a new service for those looking to have a chat while at the till at their stores. Starting Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024, the “Slow Lane” will be available at: Hardy’s Independent Grocer – 8-11 a.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of the month IGA – 8-11 a.m. on the first and third Tuesday of the month The Slow Lane aims to formalize the friendly service already offered at these locations and allow extra time for customers to go through the checkout at their pace while sharing a conversation with the cashier. To top it off, seniors also receive discounts on these days too! “I am grateful to both stores for agreeing to partner on this to support our more vulnerable residents with something that they are already excelling at anyway”, said Ki Wilson, FCSS Coordinator for the Town of Devon. “Both Brent and Susan recognize the importance of community engagement and are excited to be a part of the Slow Lane program.” Devon’s Community Bus The Devon Community Bus is available for shopping in Town on Tuesdays & Thursdays for $5/full trip. This door-to-door service is offered year-round and picks residents up at their home and drops them back off right at their door. Trips on the bus can be booked by calling 780-910-1960. Learn more about the services offered by Devon’s Community Bus at devon.ca/bus. Share Print