3472 Community Events Construction of erosion protection wall complete at Devon Lions Campground The Devon Lions Club, with support from the Town of Devon, have recently finished construction of a river bank erosion protection wall down in the Devon Lions Campground. Along with the wall comes a brand new boardwalk for everyone to enjoy while on the trails or at the campground. The need for the protective wall came after a river flooding event in 2013 that left the vertical bank unstable a few meters from the roadway surface. The bank continued to deteriorate and the possibility of the road collapsing into the river was becoming a concern. On July 4, 2017, the Devon Lions Club approached Town Council to ask for a loan guarantee in the amount of $200,000 for the River Bank Stabilization Project as well as up to $200,000 in contributions from the Town towards the project. Council agreed to the Lions request and after a month of hard work, the protective wall is now complete. “Community groups like the Devon Lions Club are a huge part of what makes Devon such a great place to live,” said Ray Ralph, Mayor of the Town of Devon. “They saw a problem and came to us with not only an ask, but a solution and a willingness to do what it takes to ensure that our Devon Lions Campground stays in tip top shape for our residents and out of towners looking for a great place to camp.” “We couldn’t believe the amount of support we received from the community towards this project,” said Dale McCormick, President of the Devon Lions Club. “We’d like to express our gratitude to our Town of Devon Council and staff and to all of those who put in countless hours to do their part to ensure our Devon Lions Campground would be around for many more years.” Devon Council presented a check to the Devon Lions Club on Friday, May 25 in the amount of $17,000 to support the construction of the boardwalk above the erosion protection wall. Finishing touches on the boardwalk are currently under way. Make sure to head down to the campground and check out all of the hard work our Devon Lions, Town staff, contractors and all other volunteers have put into protecting the Devon Lions Campground. -30- For more information contact: Justin Janke Communications Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8302 E: JJanke@devon.ca Dale McCormick President of the Devon Lions Club Devon Lions Club P: 780-987-5499 E: dale.mccormick1@telus.com Share Print