Bulk Water Station Upgrade complete
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Prepaid account holders MUST register for a NEW ACCOUNT with the new system. Our prepaid account and credit card payment option is currently operational on both sides of the station

The new prepaid account application is available here.


Bulk Water Station payment upgrade scheduled for Nov. 25

New payment methods include debit, credit card and prepaid account

Nov. 14

Devon’s Bulk Water Station will soon allow users to pay for their bulk water with debit, credit card or through a prepaid account. The upgrade is scheduled to begin on Nov. 25 (weather permitting) and the station will need to be closed for up to three days to complete the installation.

As part of the upgrade, the coin payment side of the Bulk Water Station will no longer be available and will be replaced with a debit/credit card payment system.

The large fill side of the Bulk Water Station that is currently invoiced to bulk water customers will be replaced with a debit/credit card payment system as well as a prepaid account option.

Large fill users who are looking to prepay for their water will need to create a new account with the Town of Devon. Once a new account is set up, users will be provided an Account ID Number, PIN code and will be required to prepay and have funds available in their account to use the Devon Bulk Water Station.

“This upgrade to our bulk water payment system will provide our users with a better experience when purchasing from the Bulk Water Station,” said Ray Ralph, Mayor for the Town of Devon. “Along with additional ways to pay for their water, the risk of theft from the station is also removed as we will no longer have any physical currency on site.”

The Devon Bulk Water Station is located at 21 Exploration Drive in Devon’s Business Park.


For more information contact:

Justin Janke
Communications Coordinator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8302
E: JJanke@devon.ca

Christine Spottiswood
Accounting Services Coordinator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8303
E: CSpottiswood@devon.ca



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