3625 Community Events Devon CPOs excited to sweeten the holiday season for another year Devon’s Community Peace Officers (CPOs) have partnered with the Devon RCMP, Fire Services and Devon FCSS to bring back their successful Candy Cane Checkstop campaign for a second year. Look for members of Devon’s CPOs, RCMP, Fire Services and FCSS out on the Town’s main streets throughout December as they give out sweet candy cane treats. The goal of the Candy Cane Checkstop campaign is to create positive interactions with local law enforcement and emergency services to encourage safe driving habits and to remind motorists not to drive impaired whether it be fatigue or by drugs or alcohol. New to the campaign for 2019, Devon FCSS aims to promote the importance of mental wellness throughout the busy holiday season. “Building positive relationships with the community is one of the most important and challenging parts of law enforcement,” said Sergeant Perry, Community Peace Officer for the Town of Devon. “We look forward to working with our partners to get out in the community and promote some positive messaging to our residents.” A big shout out to both Devon IGA and Hardy’s Your Independent Grocer for donating the candy canes to be given out for the 2019 checkstop campaign. -30- For more information contact: Justin Janke Communications Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8302 E: JJanke@devon.ca Sgt. Thomas Perry Community Peace Officer Town of Devon P: 780-987-8307 E: PeaceOfficer@devon.ca Share Print