Council Meetings to take place virtually until further notice
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Council Meetings to take place virtually until further notice

Council Meetings to take place virtually until further notice
Community Events

Devon residents are invited to call in to address Council or listen in to meetings

After a successful online meeting on Apr. 14, Devon Council Meetings will now be held virtually via Zoom until further notice to comply with the Government of Alberta’s restrictions on mass gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are thankful to the Government of Alberta for allowing us to continue holding our meetings without the requirement of a public location during the COVID-19 situation,” said Ray Ralph, Mayor for the Town of Devon. “While this is not the ideal way we would like to hold our meetings, I would still like to invite the public to call in and speak as an unscheduled delegation or listen in to our meetings until it is deemed safe by Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer for us to resume them at the Town Office.”

When are Council Meetings in Devon?

Date: Second and fourth Monday of each month (if Monday is a holiday, it is the Tuesday after)
Time: 7 p.m. (end time varies on length of the Council Agenda)

How do I address Council or listen to a Council Meeting?

Those interested in addressing Council as an unscheduled delegation or listening in to a Council Meeting can call into the Zoom number at 1-587-328-1099 and enter the Meeting ID on the Council Agenda.

Council agendas are available online by the Friday before each meeting at

The only time the public can speak during a Council Meeting is when the Mayor asks if there are any unscheduled delegations that wish to address Council (generally around 7 p.m. unless there is a scheduled delegation prior). If yes, please speak up to be addressed, you will be required to state your first and last name with spelling for the record and will have 3 minutes to present.

The Town will continue to explore ways for the public to be involved in Virtual Council Meetings and will share all updates through the Town’s social media, website at or in the Devon Dispatch.


Questions regarding Council Meetings or Council Agendas can be directed to Melanie Crothers at:

P: 780-987-8310


For more information contact:

Justin Janke
Communications Coordinator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8302



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