3033 Community Events The Town of Devon has been challenged with growth over the past six years. One of the options Council is exploring to help stimulate this growth and promote economic development for our community, is development of the land west of HWY 60 and the construction of a recreation facility on this land that will act as a catalyst for future commercial development in Devon. On Sept. 19, 2018 the Town held an Open House with the community where residents were invited to come and submit questions or concerns they had about the proposed development. This Open House yielded over 190 questions from the community through sticky notes on various information boards. To answer all of these questions, the Town has prepared a Discussion Q & A Report with the online version now available on the Town website. Copies of the Discussion Report are also available at the Town of Devon Office for those preferring a paper copy. Learn more about the proposed land development across from HWY 60 See the full Open House Discussion Report Share Print