Devon FCSS launches 28 Day Family FUN-O Challenge
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Devon FCSS launches 28 Day Family FUN-O Challenge

Community Events

Win a $200 family outing by playing UNO weekly between Oct. 1 and Nov. 30

Devon Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is proud to launch its first ever Family FUN-O Challenge. The challenge starts on Oct. 1 and will run until Nov. 30 and aims to encourage Devon families to spend quality time together with a game of UNO.

Challengers will be required to play UNO with their family for 10-25 minutes each day for four weeks between Oct. 1 and Nov. 30 to be entered for the grand prize draw of $200 towards a family outing of their choosing. There will also be a runner up prize announced when the grand prize is awarded.

“We are always looking for ways to encourage families to get together to connect but with all of the technology and busy lives, this can be difficult at times,” said Ki Wilson, FCSS Coordinator for the Town of Devon. “UNO has been around for decades and millions of families have had a blast playing, chatting and laughing together over the years, and the games needn’t take up a whole lot of time, so it seemed like a natural choice when building the challenge for our Devon families”.

The Challenge

The term family is used loosely; at the minimum it can consist of just one person over 18 and one person under 18 participating from the household, but the more the merrier! Those without UNO cards are invited to drop by the Town of Devon Office at #1 Columbia Avenue West to pick up one of the limited free packs and a game sheet to take part.

The challenge starts off easy, asking for just 10 minutes of UNO per day for 7 days and then ups it by 5 minutes for each consecutive week. Challengers do not need to complete all the days in a row and can space them out as needed throughout the Oct. 1 – Nov. 30 timeline.


Week 1 – 10 minutes of UNO per day for 7 days
Week 2 – 15 minutes of UNO per day for 7 days
Week 3 – 20 minutes of UNO per day for 7 days
Week 4 – 25 minutes of UNO per day for 7 days


Printable game sheets and a list of rules for the challenge are available at


For more information contact:

Justin Janke
Communications Coordinator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8302
E: E:

Ki Wilson
FCSS Coordinator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8325



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