6503 Community Events While we hope that our residents make the most of the holiday, Devon Fire Rescue Services has a few reminders to ensure the well-being of everyone celebrating our nation’s birthday. The Town of Devon does not have a Fire Ban, Fire Advisories, or any Fire Restrictions on at this time. When having an outside fire, be sure to check albertafirebans.ca for up-to-date information regarding the current fire situation in Devon and other municipalities across the province. Campers enjoying our provincial parks should check albertaparks.ca for current safety guidelines. We also wish to remind residents that Town of Devon Bylaws specifically prohibit the possession, sale, purchase, or discharge of fireworks within municipal limits unless you have been issued a Fireworks permit. For more details or to apply for a permit visit devon.ca/fire. Finally, we ask that those celebrating on the water familiarize themselves with Transport Canada’s Safe Boating Guide. Each summer, Devon Fire Rescue receives 911 calls involving boaters, swimmers or tubers in distress on the North Saskatchewan. The guide is available on the Government of Canada’s website at tc.gc.ca. On behalf of Devon Fire/Rescue Services we hope you enjoy all outdoor summer activities, but please ask that you do so responsibly. Stay safe Devon! Share Print