5657 Community Events Several rules and procedures implemented to promote safe camping experience As per the Government of Alberta’s regulations for private campgrounds, the Devon Lions Campground will open on schedule May 1 with a number of rules and procedures in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and promote a safe camping experience for both campers and Devon residents. Snowbirds returning from out of country and planning to stay at the campground are also required by law to have an isolation plan and self-isolate for 14 days after returning to Canada. COVID-19 – Rules and Procedures for Devon Lions Campground Social and physical distancing of 2 metres is mandatory. Mass gatherings in rental facilities exceeding 15 persons are prohibited. No visitors are allowed at your campsite and there is to be no co-mingling of campsites. Contact free or minimal contact registration will be offered. No cash or cheques accepted. You must camp in an RV and use your own functioning toilet, shower & bathroom facilities. No tenting is allowed, no extra tents allowed. All unserviced sites will be closed. Campsites (or RVs) must be serviced with water, power and access to a sewer disposal station. Shared use facilities such as public toilets & showers are closed. Playgrounds are closed. Group fire pits are prohibited. Fire pits and picnic tables are not to be moved. No Gazebos, screen tents or storage tents are allowed. No picnic visitors are permitted. If you are feeling sick or exhibiting any symptoms, please reschedule your reservation. Anyone witnessing campers not following these rules or procedures are encouraged to contact Campground Administration at 780-987-4777 or info@devonlionscampground.com. Learn more about the Devon Lions Campground at devonlionscampground.com. Stay up to date on the Town’s response to COVID-19 at devon.ca/covid19. -30- For more information contact: Justin Janke Communications Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8302 E: JJanke@devon.ca Randy Bertrand Campground Coordinator Devon Lions Campground P: 780-987-4777 E: info@devonlionscampground.com Share Print