Devon marks the spot in the 2019 Great Trail Treasure Hunt
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Devon marks the spot in the 2019 Great Trail Treasure Hunt

Devon marks the spot in the 2019 Great Trail Treasure Hunt
Community Events

Find the treasure box and be entered to win prizes!

The Great Trail Treasure Hunt heads to Devon this summer for the first time to get outdoor enthusiasts out to enjoy Devon’s river valley, while looking for the treasure box hidden somewhere along the trails.

The hunt starts June 19 and runs until Aug. 18, giving adventurers plenty of time to deduce the location of the treasure.

“More than bridging Voyageur Park and the Lions Campground, the Devon river valley trail system connects Devonians to the wonders of Canadian wildlife and the rich wilderness in our own backyard,” said Ray Ralph, Mayor for the Town of Devon. “We are excited for the opportunity to host this leg of the Great Trail Treasure hunt for the first time and to be a part of Canada’s Great Trail network.”

How do I participate?

If you should rise to the challenge and find the treasure box, you can enter to win one of 200 prizes:

  1. Log your name, date and time in the log book
  2. Take a selfie with the treasure box
  3. Copy the redemption code from the underside of the lid and enter it at

What can I win?

Prizes include a Nikon digital camera package, KEEN hiking boots, Parks Canada passes and more, with the grand prize worth $20,000 US including an east coast ocean expedition.

To win a prize, check for clues to begin your quest. The first person to find each box will receive a special edition glow-in-the-dark coin courtesy of the Royal Canadian Mint!

For more information about the Great Trail Treasure Hunt visit


For more information contact:

Justin Janke
Communications Coordinator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8302

Kristin Walsh
Manager of Parks, Recreation and Culture
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8332



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