Devon takes next steps towards Recreation Facility Expansion
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Devon takes next steps towards Recreation Facility Expansion

Community Events

Next steps include Environmental Assessment and Design Engineering

The Town of Devon is moving on to the next steps for the expansion of the Dale Fisher Arena into a multi-use recreational facility after a thorough examination of the long-term operational costs for the facility by both Council and Administration.

Operational Cost Considerations

The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) grant will provide the Town with the majority of capital costs needed to construct the facility expansion, allowing the Town to build within its means. To help determine annual operating costs, the Town engaged RC Strategies to complete an Operational Analysis for the expansion which considered all operating facets of both the arena and the pool.

Overall, the analysis found that based on historic estimates provided by both the Town and RC Strategies, the operating costs for the expanded facility will have minimal impact to the community while holistically improving the recreation service levels for the Town of Devon.

“We were thrilled to be chosen as a recipient of the ICIP grant, which covers the majority of the construction costs for the expansion of our arena into a multi-use recreation facility,” said Ray Ralph, Mayor for the Town of Devon. “As a Council, our job is to also look after the future of our community, and we had to make sure that we can afford to operate this facility over the long-term at a minimal impact to all of our ratepayers.”

Next Steps

The next steps of the expansion project include an environmental assessment as a prerequisite to receive the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) grant followed by design engineering and user group/stakeholder consultation for the facility.

The environmental assessment process is scheduled to begin in November and is a process to predict environmental effects of the project before it is carried out. The design engineering contract is planned to be awarded in December followed by consultation of user groups and other stakeholders before finalizing the design in spring 2021.

Information about the expansion project is available and will be updated regularly on the Town of Devon website at


For more information contact:

Justin Janke
Communications Coordinator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8302

Patricia Nicol
Economic Development & Tourism Officer
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8306



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