Disposing of Hazardous Waste
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Disposing of Hazardous Waste

Disposing of Hazardous Waste
Community Events

Did you know that the improper disposal of used oil, fuel or other hazardous fluids can cause major issues when they enter our drains?

Oil doesn’t wear out, it just gets dirty and when motor oil isn’t properly disposed of, these pollutants can reach our lakes, rivers, or groundwater and end up causing damage to the membranes at our Wastewater Treatment Plant.

If you are caught illegally disposing of hazardous waste, you can be fined under the Environmental Protection & Enhancement Act as well as be on the hook for the costs to repair any damages caused to the Town’s infrastructure.

Our Devon Recycling Depot is equipped to properly deal with used oil and other hazardous waste. If you have a larger disposal beyond the scope of our Recycling Depot, please reach out to Devon’s Public Works Department at 780-987-3342 to see how we can help properly dispose of the waste.

If you see someone suspiciously dumping fluids down a storm drain, please help us protect our river and the Town’s wastewater system by reporting it to the Devon RCMP at 780-987-3413 as well as Devon’s Public Works at 780-987-3342.



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Town of Devon Municipal Office
1 Columbia Avenue West
Devon, AB T9G 1A1

 Phone: 780-987-8300
 Fax: 780-987-4778
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