5849 Community Events Devon businesses encouraged to contact Town Office with relaunch concerns As of May 14, the Government of Alberta has entered Stage 1 of their 3 stage Economic Relaunch Strategy to gradually allow businesses and services to resume for all residents in Alberta. Stage 1 is in effect for all of Alberta except Calgary and Brooks (due to a high volume of cases in these areas). This will allow some businesses to resume operations with the appropriate enhanced infection prevention and controls in place. “It has been a long two months and I know many of our businesses have been looking forward to this day since being ordered to close by the public health orders issued in March to flatten the curve and prevent the spread of COVID-19,” said Ray Ralph, Mayor for the Town of Devon. “I encourage everyone to get out and support our local businesses, but to remember that COVID-19 is still a threat and we all need to continue to practice good hygiene and physical distancing for the foreseeable future. Only our actions will allow us to move to stage 2 and 3 of the Relaunch Strategy.” Businesses with restrictions lifted include: Retail businesses like clothing, furniture and bookstores. All farmers' market vendors. Hairstyling and barber shops. Cafés, restaurants, pubs and bars can reopen for table service at 50% capacity. Museums and art galleries. Daycares and out-of-school care, with occupancy limits. Day camps, including summer school, with occupancy limits. Post-secondary institutions will continue course delivery, with flexibility for in-person delivery once the existing public health order prohibiting in-person classes is lifted. Places of worship and funeral services, if they follow sector-specific guidance. Ongoing restrictions from the province: Gatherings of more than 15 people will not be permitted, unless otherwise identified in public health orders or guidance. Gatherings of 15 people or fewer must follow physical distancing and other public health guidelines. Public attendance at businesses, facilities and events that have close physical contact will not be permitted, including arts and culture festivals, major sporting events and concerts. Movie theatres, pools, recreation centres, arenas, spas, nightclubs and gyms will remain closed. Visiting patients in health care facilities will remain limited. In-school classes for kindergarten to Grade 12 students will remain prohibited Guidance for reopening your business All workplaces are expected to develop and implement policies and procedures to address COVID-19. Businesses looking to learn more about the guidelines to reopen or other resources to help with their relaunch can find them at alberta.ca/biz-connect. Local businesses that are still unsure where they fall in the Relaunch Strategy are welcome to contact the Town of Devon’s Economic Development Officer Patricia Nicol at 780-987-8306 or EDO@devon.ca to see how the Town can assist with the relaunch of their business. Additional Info & Resources Government of Alberta Economic Relaunch Strategy alberta.ca/alberta-relaunch-strategy Alberta Biz Connect resources to assist businesses with relaunch alberta.ca/biz-connect Town of Devon related COVID-19 Info devon.ca/covid19 Government of Alberta COVID-19 Info alberta.ca/covid19 Federal Government COVID-19 Info canada.ca/coronavirus -30- For more information contact: Justin Janke Communications Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8302 E: JJanke@devon.ca Patricia Nicol Economic Development Officer Town of Devon P: 780-987-8306 E: PNicol@devon.ca Share Print