2791 Community Events Survey to help guide future communications to Devon residents & stakeholders The Town of Devon has launched a survey to find out how residents currently receive their Town-related information and if there are any other communications tools it should explore using in future communication planning. Currently, the Town uses a variety of communication tools to keep residents informed, including: The Newspaper (Devon Dispatch) The Town of Devon Website (devon.ca) Facebook Twitter Instagram The Our Devon News newsletter Magnet Sign along Superior Street Open House events Radio Advertising on 88.1/93.1 The One The Lions LED sign by Dairy Queen Utility Bill Inserts Print Materials (posters, brochures, publications) Direct Mail The Our Devon App Email Lists “Communication with our residents has always been a top priority for our Council and something we will continue striving to improve throughout the remainder of our term,” said Ray Ralph, Mayor for the Town of Devon. “Please, take a couple minutes to fill out this survey to help us ensure we are sending out the most relevant information in the best possible way.” Have your say by taking our short 2-minute survey and help guide future communication planning for the Town. The survey starts July 5 and will run until Friday, Aug. 16 with the results going to Town of Devon Council later this fall. The survey is available: Online: devon.ca/comms-survey In Person: Paper copies of the survey are available at the Town of Devon Office All completed survey's will have the option of being entered into a draw for a $50 gift card from a Devon business of their choice if they choose to provide their name and contact information. -30- For more information contact: Justin Janke Communications Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8302 E: JJanke@devon.ca Brady Cochrane Marketing and Tourism Intern Town of Devon P: 780-987-8306 E: BCochrane@devon.ca Share Print