Input needed for final Voyageur Park Improvement Plan
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Input needed for final Voyageur Park Improvement Plan

Community Events

Join the Open House on July 25 to share your feedback on the concept plans

After thorough consultation with Devon residents and other stakeholders, four draft concept plans have been drawn up with proposed improvements for the future of Voyageur Park. The four concept plans are available for view at the Town of Devon website at

Your help is now needed to determine which concept is the best for Voyageur Park. The Town of Devon will be hosting a Public Open House as well as an online survey to gather your feedback that will help shape the future of the park.

Public Open House

Date: Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Time: 6-9 p.m.
Place: Devon Community Centre – Main Hall

Hot dogs will be served for open house attendees as a thank you for your feedback.

Online Survey

Can’t make it to the Public Open House? Head to the project page at to view the draft plans and share your feedback through the online survey or take the online survey here.

“We are so excited to be able to share these concept plans with the public and move on to the final steps towards implementing improvements to our beautiful Voyageur Park,” said Kristin Walsh, Manager of Parks, Recreation and Culture for the Town of Devon.

“I’d like to thank everyone who has been involved with helping to improve Voyageur Park for providing valuable feedback throughout the engagement process,” said Mayor Ray Ralph. “I am confident that together we will create a park that we are all proud of.”

The final Concept Plan for Voyageur Park improvements will be taken to Council for approval on August 13 and will be available to view on the Town of Devon website in late August.

Draft Concepts

Draft Concept #1
Draft Concept #2
Draft Concept #3
Draft Concept #4


For more information contact:
Justin Janke
Communications Coordinator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8302

Kristin Walsh
Manager of Parks, Recreation and Culture
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8331




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