3462 Community Events House of Goody’s showcased for its great food in Avenue Magazine Local Devon Chinese restaurant, House of Goodys received regional recognition this month in the March 2019 edition of Avenue City Style Magazine. In an article showcasing some of the prairies best Chinese restaurants, House of Goodys made the list with one of the best combination plates (fried shrimp, chicken fried rice, dry garlic ribs and beef & mixed greens) in the region. This recognition comes at a great time as Council continues to encourage entrepreneurs around the region to look at Devon as a great place to do business. "These kind of stories about local businesses are what our Council wants to hear, and we would like to extend a huge congratulations to House of Goodys for being recognized regionally in Avenue Magazine for their authentic style food”, said Mayor Ralph. “Since day one, we have made it know that we are open for business and will continue to encourage everyone to consider calling Devon home for your business.” Learn more about Avenue Magazine or see the digital edition of the March issue at avenueedmonton.com. -30- For more information contact: Patricia Nicol Economic Development Officer Town of Devon P: 780-987-8306 E: PNicol@devon.ca Justin Janke Communications Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8302 E: JJanke@devon.ca Share Print