Lock it or lose it campaign makes it way to Devon
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Lock it or lose it campaign makes it way to Devon

Lock it or lose it campaign makes it way to Devon
Community Events

Campaign to educate public on importance of always locking their vehicle

The Devon RCMP have teamed up with the Town’s Community Peace Officers and Citizens on Patrol to roll out a “Lock it or lose it” campaign aimed towards educating Devon residents on the importance of locking their vehicles, sheds and anywhere else criminals may target.

Members from the various groups will be making their way around Devon in the coming weeks conducting vehicle checks and placing educational pamphlets on the windows of unlocked vehicles or vehicles with valuables in plain sight.

The goal of the “Lock it or lose it” campaign is to teach everyone to always secure their belongings and reduce the risk of becoming a victim of opportunistic crime.

"Property crime is one of the top things we deal with at the RCMP on a regular basis,” said Constable Vinny West, member of the Devon RCMP. “Many criminals take advantage of opportunity and by locking our doors or placing valuables out of sight in our vehicles or windows, we reduce the opportunity for property crime, reducing the risk for our residents.”

Any members of the public with questions or concerns about the “Lock it or lose it” campaign are invited to contact the Devon RCMP at 780-987-3414.

Learn tips for securing your property at devon.ca/property-tips.


For more information contact:

Justin Janke
Communications Coordinator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8302
E: JJanke@devon.ca

Cst. Vinny West
Devon RCMP
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-3414
E: Vinny.West@rcmp-grc.gc.ca



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