Natural Gas bills expected to rise starting in December
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Natural Gas bills expected to rise starting in December

Natural Gas bills expected to rise starting in December
Community Events

In Devon, we have the privilege of owning our natural gas utility which gives us the benefit of passing on some of the lowest costs for natural gas in the Edmonton Region.

To provide this lower price, Devon purchases natural gas from Gas Alberta Inc. at the current market rate and then passes on this rate along with a basic admin and distribution charge to recover the cost to provide this service to residents, plus the federal carbon tax at its current rate.

Unfortunately, with the rising cost of natural gas across the world, we will all be seeing higher prices on our natural gas bills this winter.

Devon’s Natural Gas Bill

Market Rate + $35 basic charge + $1.57/GJ + Federal Carbon Tax = Devon Natural Gas Bill

Regional Competitor Natural Gas Bill

Admin Fee + Cost of Gas (fixed or variable rate) + Delivery Charge fixed + Delivery Charge variable + Rate Rider + Franchise Fee + Federal Carbon Tax = Competitor Natural Gas Bill

The Natural Gas Market

Due to supply and demand in the international market, natural gas prices are expected to increase by as much as 25% as we move into December and early 2022. Unfortunately, this means you can expect a higher natural gas bill this winter as the Town has no control over the market price that it pays to purchase natural gas.

Current estimates provided to the Town from Alberta Gas Inc. have natural gas remaining around $5/GJ until starting to drop once again in March 2022.



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