3797 Community Events Classes to run at Devon Public Library every 2nd Tuesday until June 23 The Town of Devon is partnering with the Devon Public Library to bring introductory nehiyawewin (Cree) language classes to Devon starting on Feb. 11. During the Town’s Indigenous Engagement Open House last November, feedback was gathered from the community regarding what types of Indigenous programs and workshops they would like to see the Town explore and Indigenous language classes was among the top suggestions. nehiyawewin (Cree) Classes Information Date: Classes start Feb. 11 and will continue every 2nd Tuesday until June 23 Time: 7-9 p.m. Place: Devon Public Library Cost for all 10 sessions: Adult (18+) - $65, Youth (17 and under) - $35 Register and pay online at devon.recdesk.com by Feb. 9, 2020 “This is another step towards reconciliation with Indigenous peoples of Treaty 6 territory and beyond as we continue to work to bring awareness and understanding of Indigenous cultures and languages,” said Mitch Wincentaylo, Indigenous Engagement Coordinator for the Town of Devon. “By bringing nehiyawewin classes to the Devon community, we are doing our part to facilitate the learning and preservation of the Plains Cree language.” Learn more about Devon’s work on reconciliation and engagement with Indigenous peoples at devon.ca/reconciliation. -30- For more information contact: Justin Janke Communications Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8302 E: JJanke@devon.ca Mitch Wincentaylo Indigenous Engagement Coordinator Town of Devon P: 587-597-0691 E: MWincentaylo@devon.ca Share Print