Pop-up neighbourhood coffee event hits Highwood
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Pop-up neighbourhood coffee event hits Highwood

Pop-up neighbourhood coffee event hits Highwood
Community Events

Neighbourly Devon event sees 50 neighbours attend this past weekend

On Saturday, June 30 the residents of Oakland Close and Highwood Blvd. enjoyed a surprise pop-up neighbourhood coffee event thanks to the Town of Devon’s new Neighbourly Devon initiative.

Approximately 50 neighbours came together for the event to enjoy coffee and conversation with the Neighbourly Devon goal of building stronger, more socially connected neighbourhoods that feel happier, healthier and safer.

The Neighbourly Devon Initiative was introduced earlier this year by the Town of Devon and invites residents to become “Neighbourood Connectors” and to get to know their closest 10-20  households in their area to help them connect in an activity at least once a year.

Neighbourhood activities could include:

  • a block party,
  • outdoor movie night,
  • neighbourhood garage sale,
  • pop-up morning coffee event,
  • or even creating a neighbourhood Facebook group to look out for each other.

Thanks to sponsorship from Brian Hicks at Tim Hortons, all Neighbourhood Connectors are eligible to use the Tim Hortons Canopy and coffee donated by Tim Hortons to organize pop-up coffee events for their Neighbourly Devon events.

“We were so excited with the amount of neighbours that came out for our surprise pop-up coffee event this past Saturday,” said Heather Acres, Community Development Facilitator for the Town of Devon. “Our goal is to bring Devon together one neighbourhood at a time so that we can build a happier, healthier and safer community for all of Devon.”

Learn more about becoming a Neighbourhood Connector or about Neighbourly Devon at devon.ca/neighbourly.


For more information contact:
Justin Janke
Communications Coordinator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8302
E: JJanke@devon.ca

Heather Acres
Community Development Facilitator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8300
E: HAcres@devon.ca



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