492 Community Events 🚨 Message from the Devon RCMP 🚨 Damage to property, and in particular using fire to damage property, are offences under the Criminal Code. Arson, or the use of fire to cause property damage, has the potential to impact the community as a whole through the loss of valuable amenities or services, loss of homes and businesses, or in the most extreme cases, loss of life. Due to the potential harms that exists from these types of activities, convicted offenders can face up to two year jail time for Mischief to Property, and an Arson conviction can result in life in prison. Other consequences of a criminal record may include impacts to a person’s future by limiting employment, travel, or recreational opportunities. With the number of recent arson investigations in the community, the Devon RCMP is asking residents to report suspicious activity by calling 9-1-1. Businesses and homeowners with video surveillance systems are also encouraged to register their cameras with the Community Assisted Policing Through Use of Recorded Evidence (CAPTURE) program. To learn more about CAPTURE or register your camera, go to www.ruralalbertacapture.ca. Share Print