2567 Community Events *Update - May 15* Due to the rainy weather, we have had to reschedule the street sweeping planned for Wednesday, May 15 and Thursday, May 16 to the upcoming weekend, May 18 & 19. The May 15 sweeping will now take place on Sunday, May 19 and the May 16 sweeping will be on Saturday, May 18. We have updated the attached maps accordingly. *May 9* Residential street sweeping starts Monday, May 13 and will continue throughout Devon all week ending Friday, May 17 (weather permitting). Planned sweeping routes are highlighted on the maps below to let our residents know when we are hoping to get to their neighbourhood. Please look for no parking signs and have vehicles moved if sweeping is planned in your area so we can continue our spring clean. Any changes to the plan due to weather or otherwise will be posted if needed. Share Print