Share your thoughts on the consumption of Cannabis in Devon
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Share your thoughts on the consumption of Cannabis in Devon

Share your thoughts on the consumption of Cannabis in Devon
Community Events

Fill out the 3-minute survey to have your say on responsible cannabis use

The Town is in the process of amending its Community Standards Bylaw in preparation of the upcoming legalization of cannabis on Oct. 17 and is asking residents to fill out a short survey to share their thoughts on where cannabis can be consumed in Devon.

In April 2017, the federal government introduced Bill C-45, known as the Cannabis Act, to legalize recreational cannabis in Canada by fall 2018. Following this, the provincial government released legislation regarding cannabis legalization through it’s Cannabis Framework in February 2018. Now it’s the Town’s turn as each municipality will be setting their own Bylaws relating to where cannabis can be sold and used in their communities.

“With Cannabis legal in Canada as of Oct. 17, we would like to hear what our residents have to say about where cannabis should be safely consumed in Devon,” said Mayor Ralph. “We want everyone to feel heard on this important issue and we expect our updated Bylaw to be largely reflective of the feedback from the community.”

On June 11, 2018, Devon Town Council provided 3rd reading to an amendment for Devon’s Land Use Bylaw adding stipulations as to where Cannabis can be sold in Devon.

The Public Consumption of Cannabis Survey will run for three weeks, starting Aug. 30 and ending Sept. 21. Feedback will then be incorporated into the proposed Bylaw amendments prior to its third reading at the Oct. 9 Council Meeting.

Fill out the survey at today!


For more information contact:

Justin Janke
Communications Coordinator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8302



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