3249 Community Events Unique PIN codes for survey mailed out in utility bills in mid-November After a lengthy period of education and public consultation, the Town has launched a survey to receive feedback on the proposed development of the land west of Southport Common across HWY 60 and to gauge residents understanding of the project. The survey will remain open until Nov. 30 with the results going to Council at their Dec. 10 Council Meeting. This proposed development would include the construction of a recreation facility which would act as a catalyst for commercial development in the surrounding area including a future hotel and other retail outlets. Unique PIN codes have been mailed/emailed out to all residences and businesses in their October utility bill that comes out in mid-November that will provide them access to the online survey. Those receiving their bill by email will receive a separate email with their PIN code the week of Nov. 11. To ensure the survey is filled out fairly, one PIN code will be available for each address. Instructions for completing the survey are included on the mailout, including what to do if you don’t have internet access. "This is an amazing opportunity for us to pursue commercial growth opportunities, something that our Council believes is crucial for the future of our community,” said Mayor Ralph. “This growth will help us increase our non-residential assessment base, bring employment opportunities, improve service to our residents and bring new investment to Devon.” Education/Engagement Process Aug. 23, 2018 – Community Connections Café Presentation Sept. 11, 2018 – Devon & District Chamber of Commerce Luncheon Presentation Sept. 19, 2018 – Recreation Facility Community Open House Oct. 19, 2018 – Open House Discussion Report released to community Nov. 7, 2019 – Land Development Town Hall Meeting Mid-November – Town-wide survey sent out to residents and businesses (closes Nov. 30) More information about the Town’s plans for developing the land west of HWY 60 is available at devon.ca/westof60. -30- For more information contact: Patricia Nicol Economic Development Officer Town of Devon P: 780-987-8306 E: PNicol@devon.ca Justin Janke Communications Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8302 E: JJanke@devon.ca Share Print