Town of Devon launches new municipal website
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Town of Devon launches new municipal website
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New site to provide better overall experience for users

The Town of Devon is proud announce the launch of a brand-new Town of Devon website at This new website was developed with a mobile-first focus with the goal of improving users experience when searching for Town of Devon related information online.

The website redesign has been several months in the making and marks phase two of a top-to-bottom website revamp that began in 2018. Phase one included a restructure of’s content management system, making updating the website a quicker and simpler process.

New Website Features

In addition to a redesigned drop-down mega menu at the top of the homepage, other website improvements include:

  • an expanded homepage banner window with interchangeable quick-link buttons below
  • homepage news and calendar widgets
  • reducing the steps (clicks) between the homepage and information users are looking for
  • a complete overhaul of the drop-down navigation tree
  • a new footer with the Town’s contact information and access to popular pages

“An organization's website is the first stop for anyone looking for information, whether it be directly or indirectly (through a search engine),” said Justin Janke, Communications Coordinator for the Town of Devon. “We completed a thorough market analysis on new trends in municipal websites and are excited to launch the new with a more modernized feel for all of our website users.”

Check out the new Town of Devon website today at!


For more information contact: 

Justin Janke
Communications Coordinator
Town of Devon
P: 780-987-8302



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The Town of Devon acknowledges the land we are on, Treaty Six territory and the homeland of the Métis, which encompasses the traditional lands of the Cree (nehiyawak), Blackfoot (niitsitapi), Nakota (isga), Anishinaabe (anishinaabeg), and Métis (michif) Peoples, who are the legal caretakers and protectors of the lands and waters, and who have been here since time immemorial.

We acknowledge that Devon is within the traditional lands and territories of kiskayôs (Bobtail) and maskêkosihk (Enoch Cree) First Nations. We shall continue to uphold our Treaty responsibilities to all Peoples of Treaty Six and continue to work with all Indigenous Peoples towards a better future together.

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Municipal Office Contact
Town of Devon Municipal Office
1 Columbia Avenue West
Devon, AB T9G 1A1

 Phone: 780-987-8300
 Fax: 780-987-4778
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