4966 Community Events YRECC to provide more efficient process for Devon’s Community Peace Officers The Town of Devon has signed on with the Yellowhead County Regional Emergency Communications Centre (YRECC) to provide dispatching services and bring a more efficient process for Devon residents to register complaints to the Town’s Community Peace Officers (CPOs). The YRECC is based out of Edson and provides 9-1-1 and CPO dispatching services to over 60,000 residents in the region. “This is a huge step forward for our community,” said Sergeant Perry, Community Peace Officer for the Town of Devon. “This new service will provide our residents with a 24/7 point of contact for their needs, ensuring calls for service are dispatched to our officers in a timely and efficient manner.” According to Sergeant Perry, the benefits of working with the YRECC work both ways. “In addition to taking our calls for service, the call centre will check in regularly with our officers, looking out for their safety and well-being as well as ensuring vital lines of radio communication remain open.” Residents looking to register complaints to Devon’s CPOs will need to contact a new number to reach the YRECC dispatching service – 825-316-2008. This number is toll free and answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To ensure no complaints are missed during the transition, the existing Peace Officer complaint line will be forwarded to the dispatch centre. To learn more about the YRECC, visit yellowheadcounty.ab.ca/departments/emergency-services/yrecc. Learn more about the services our Community Peace Officers offer for the Town Devon at devon.ca/CPO. -30- For more information contact: Justin Janke Communications Coordinator Town of Devon P: 780-987-8302 E: JJanke@devon.ca Sergeant T. Perry Community Peace Offficer Town of Devon P: 780-987-8307 E: PeaceOfficer@devon.ca Share Print