Trail Closure Update
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Trail Closure Update
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Trail Update (July 24, 2020)

Good news about our trail network! The majority of the Beaver Loop Trail has re-opened.

Unfortunately, the east section will remain closed for the season.

Trail Update! (July 17, 2020)

We have some good news! The lower section of the Legs of Fire Stairs has re-opened. Our Town of Devon Parks staff has been hard at work and have officially completed construction of a temporary boardwalk to bridge the lower section of the Legs of Fire Stairs over top of the mudslide that has been causing issues.

The Beaver Loop Trail however is still closed as we continue to deal with the adverse effects that the extra wet weather has had on our trail network.

Trail users are reminded that the recent, frequent and intense rain events have resulted in erosion (mud slides, ground slumps, etc.) and some very muddy trail sections in our river valleys. When large amounts of mud are present it is every trail users responsibility to stay off those trails to prevent additional erosion and trail widening or trail blazing which damages surrounding flora and fauna.

The Town of Devon thanks all who help to reduce erosion on our river valley trails.



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The Town of Devon acknowledges the land we are on, Treaty Six territory and the homeland of the Métis, which encompasses the traditional lands of the Cree (nehiyawak), Blackfoot (niitsitapi), Nakota (isga), Anishinaabe (anishinaabeg), and Métis (michif) Peoples, who are the legal caretakers and protectors of the lands and waters, and who have been here since time immemorial.

We acknowledge that Devon is within the traditional lands and territories of kiskayôs (Bobtail) and maskêkosihk (Enoch Cree) First Nations. We shall continue to uphold our Treaty responsibilities to all Peoples of Treaty Six and continue to work with all Indigenous Peoples towards a better future together.

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1 Columbia Avenue West
Devon, AB T9G 1A1

 Phone: 780-987-8300
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