Tax Notices
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Property Tax Notices

Property tax notices are mailed out on May 31 each year

Payments are due by June 30

Please pay early to ensure payments are processed on time to avoid a 6% penalty on July 1. Taxpayers who do not receive their tax notice by the second week of June should contact the Town Office at 780-987-8300.

Even though property tax dollars are collected in Devon, it doesn't all stay within the Town. Under provincial legislation, Devon must collect property taxes on behalf of Alberta Education and the Leduc Foundation to pay for education and affordable seniors housing. The municipal tax rate is generally established by Council in May of each year.

Property taxes are due by June 30 of each year.

Payment Options

There are several options for payment including:

  • In person at the Town Office at 1 Columbia Avenue West, Devon, AB
  • Our pre-authorized plan (PAP) to make convenient monthly payments
  • Electronic payments - note, not all financial institutions have the same payment deadlines. Please ensure you check with yours for cut-off and processing times when paying online or by phone
  • Postdated cheques may be dropped off with the detachable portion of the tax notice at the Town Office anytime at the front reception
  • OptionPay online payment option (for credit card payment)


The Town of Devon's assessment and tax timeline is as follows:

  • End of February: Property Assessment Notices are mailed out
  • March-April: Staff available to respond to questions about your property assessment
  • End of April: Property assessment appeals must be received by the clerk of the Assessment Review Board as posted on your Property Assessment Notice
  • May: Council sets the tax rates for the next year
  • May 31: Property tax bills are mailed out
  • June 30: Property tax payments are due on June 30 of each year

Tax Certificates

Tax Certificates are required in writing via mail, fax or e-mail. The tax department will prepare and send your certificate once the $35 fee ($45 fee for a rush certificate) has been received. Payments can be made by cash, cheque, debit, Visa or MasterCard.

Finance FAQ

See our Finance FAQ here for more information!

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The Town of Devon acknowledges the land we are on, Treaty Six territory and the homeland of the Métis, which encompasses the traditional lands of the Cree (nehiyawak), Blackfoot (niitsitapi), Nakota (isga), Anishinaabe (anishinaabeg), and Métis (michif) Peoples, who are the legal caretakers and protectors of the lands and waters, and who have been here since time immemorial.

We acknowledge that Devon is within the traditional lands and territories of kiskayôs (Bobtail) and maskêkosihk (Enoch Cree) First Nations. We shall continue to uphold our Treaty responsibilities to all Peoples of Treaty Six and continue to work with all Indigenous Peoples towards a better future together.

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Municipal Office Contact
Town of Devon Municipal Office
1 Columbia Avenue West
Devon, AB T9G 1A1

 Phone: 780-987-8300
 Fax: 780-987-4778
 Google Map: View Large Map

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