Town of Devon - Indigenous Relations Advisory Committee

Join Devon’s Indigenous Relations Advisory Committee

The Indigenous Relations Advisory Committee will support the development and implementation of initiatives that foster a greater understanding of Treaty Relations/responsibilities while working to increase capacity both internally (government/administration) and externally (community). 

This community-driven committee will focus on collaboration and local initiative planning and delivery. This will provide a forum for residents to develop local initiatives that can further enhance education, participation, and leadership.

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      Thank you for participating in the Town of Devon Board application process.

      Questions and applications can be directed to Devon's Legislative Services at P: 780.987.8310 or E: 

    The personal information on this form is being collected for the purpose of determining eligibility of an applicant to serving as a member of a Board of Devon Town Council and will be shared with Council and Administration.

    The information is collected under the authority of Section 146 of the Municipal Government Act and Section 33 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Names, addresses and home telephone numbers of successful applications may be provided to the public.

    Terms of Reference

    Town of Devon

    Indigenous Relations Advisory Committee

    Terms of Reference


    The Advisory Committee will advise the Town of Devon Council, residents, Town staff, Indigenous stakeholders and the consulting team on the process, outreach to citizens and stakeholders, partnership building with Indigenous Partners.

    The committee will support the development and implementation of initiatives that foster a greater understanding of Treaty Relations/responsibilities while working to increase capacity both internally (government/administration) and externally (community).

    The community-driven advisory committee will focus on collaboration and local initiative planning and delivery. This will provide a forum for residents to develop local initiatives that can further enhance education, participation, and leadership within the space of Treaty and Indigenous relations.


    1. The Advisory Committee will be comprised of no more than ten (10) members in total, in order to maintain effective meetings and meaningful engagement.
    1. The Town’s Recreation Manager, other Town of Devon staff, and the project consultant shall attend as ex-officio non-voting members of the committee.
    1. The Advisory Committee shall be comprised of four individuals who represent a broad spectrum of age, local interests and cultural diversity of the community. The Town shall attempt to maintain a balance of interests on the committee including members with a background or current involvement in the following areas:
    • Elders or Traditional Knowledge Keepers *
    • Indigenous Relationship Experts
    • Recreation
    • Education
    • Arts and culture
    • Health and social development
    • Transportation
    • Members of the community at large representing youth, seniors and families.

    *The Town may pay honorarium to these Committee members

    1. One (1) Advisory Committee member position will be extended to and may include representation from each of the following school boards: Black Gold School Division & Evergreen Catholic Schools
    1. One (1) Advisory Committee member position will be extended to and may include representation from the Town of Devon Library Board.
    1. Membership of the Advisory Committee strives to represent the many diverse and broad segments of the community.
    1. Up to three members of Council shall be members of the Advisory Committee and act as Council liaisons.
    1. The Advisory Committee shall elect a chairperson at its first meeting OR council shall appoint a chairperson


    1. The Advisory Committee shall act as an advisory body to Town of Devon Council, staff and the project consultants until the completion of the planning process.
    2. The Advisory Committee has the following duties:
      1. The members appointed shall serve for a two-year term.
        1. Note: for the initial year up to five members will be appointed for a one year term to stagger the appointment of new members on an annual basis
        2. Members shall serve a maximum of three terms on the committee
      2. Attend the committee meetings.
      3. Act as a “sounding board” for process, issues, vision, goals, options, and policy directions for the plans.
      4. Review and comment on drafts of plans.
      5. Consider input from the public.
      6. Attend public events as much as possible to engage with the public, gathering input and answering questions.
      7. Support communications activities to raise awareness about the public engagement process and encourage people to attend events and participate on-line.
      8. Other duties as identified by the Town of Devon and project consultants.
      9. If any member of the Committee shall be absent from three consecutive regular meetings, the Committee may declare the office of such absent committee member to be vacant.
      10. The Committee may remove any member for malfeasance in office or any other good and sufficient cause.
      11. A member of the Board may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chief Administrative Office of the Town of Devon. Such resignation shall be effective at the date and time it is received by the Chief Administrative Officer.
      12. A member appointed to fill a vacancy, however created, shall be appointed by resolution of Council for a term equal to the remainder of the term that would have been served by the vacated member.
    3. The Advisory Committee has no decision-making authority. Final approval and implementation of the plans is the responsibility of the Town of Devon Council.
    4. This committee is not authorized to expend funds without the approval of Town of Devon Council.


    1. The Advisory Committee will meet once a month or as required and determined by the Committee.
    2. Meetings
      1. The committee will work towards consensus but consensus is not necessary in order to provide advice to the Town.
      2. Recommendations and decisions of the Advisory Committee shall be made by a majority of members in attendance at a meeting.
      3. Meeting quorum is a majority of all its members.
      4. The Project Consultant and Town staff representative will be present to facilitate the meetings and to provide content.
      5. Town staff will be in attendance at all committee meetings. 
      6. Committee meetings will be open to the public.
      7. Notices of meetings shall be posted on the Town’s bulletin board OR on the Town’s website
      8. Meeting agendas will be prepared by the Consultant in collaboration with Town staff and the chair.  The agenda is to be distributed to all members of the Committee at least three days prior to the meeting date. 
    3. Meeting procedures shall be conducted in accordance with good meeting practices and decisions will be made by consensus.
    4. The Chair may call an extra meeting of the Advisory Committee upon giving notice to each member in accordance with the Town of Devon Procedure Bylaw.

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    The Town of Devon acknowledges the land we are on, Treaty Six territory and the homeland of the Métis, which encompasses the traditional lands of the Cree (nehiyawak), Blackfoot (niitsitapi), Nakota (isga), Anishinaabe (anishinaabeg), and Métis (michif) Peoples, who are the legal caretakers and protectors of the lands and waters, and who have been here since time immemorial.

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    1 Columbia Avenue West
    Devon, AB T9G 1A1

     Phone: 780-987-8300
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