Town of Devon > Government > Town Hall > Tenders, Bids & Proposals
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Tenders, Bids, Proposals

Municipal Invitations to Tender, Invitation to Bidders, Requests for Proposal, Requests for Quotation or other bid solicitations and opportunities may be found here. Guidelines for submission are provided. Key opportunities may also be advertised in the local newspaper or on websites such as Alberta Purchasing Connection.

Any new Invitation to Bidders will be posted here.

Project Description

Town of Devon Council has initiated the development of an Indigenous Relations Advisory Committee. The Terms of Reference for the Committee is provided in Attachment 1. The Town is seeking a knowledgeable and skilled consultant to provide guidance in the development and operational functioning of the committee in the initial phase of the committee’s operation.

The consultant will be an ex-officio member of the advisory committee. The Consultant will report to the designated Town of Devon staff member.

The consultant services to be provided for the advisory committee are described below.

The Consultant will:

  • Develop in conjunction with the designated Town staff member an orientation package and orientation session for committee members
  • Identify resources required for the successful delivery of committee objectives
  • Assist in sourcing required resources
  • Attend all advisory committee meetings
  • Where required provide subject matter expertise and guidance
  • Assist in the development of the Advisory Committee monthly meeting agenda in conjunction with the committee chair and designated Town of Devon staff
  • Complete agreed upon tasks/roles assigned to consultant that arise from committee meetings
Solicitation of Offers

All proponents are required to provide the following information (in order) with their submissions:

a) Cover Letter - A cover letter is to be signed by an officer of the company authorized to execute a contract with the Municipality.

b) Consultant Qualifications - This section shall describe the areas of expertise, and outline experience you or your company may have in the field of indigenous relations and the scope of services that can be provided without the services of contractors under the consultant’s direction.

c) Budget - Provide a fee proposal for the services identified in the deliverables of this proposal to a maximum budget of $25,000 annually. Identify sub-tasks and the respective cost in your fee proposal, as necessary. This section of your proposal shall include a professional fee schedule (hourly fee chart) for the consultant.

Hourly fees for additional or optional services that may be required shall also be included. Unless specified in the submission, the professional fee schedule shall include any costs associated with complying with the Municipality’s insurance requirements.

d) References - A list of up to three projects or references completed by the proposer under which services similar to those required by this RFP were performed shall be listed in your proposal. An emphasis should be placed on projects undertaken within the last five (5) years and shall indicate if those projects undertaken for public agencies were conducted for a similar sized community. Include a brief description of the services, dates the services were provided, and name and contact number of the client.

Electronic proposals shall be submitted to the Jordan Higgs, Manager of Recreation, Parks, & Culture with hard copies submitted no later than 4:00 pm, February 19, 2025. Any proposals received after this time will be returned to the sender.

Jordan Higgs, Manager of Recreation, Parks, & Culture
1 Columbia Avenue West, Devon, AB, T9G 1A1
P: 780-987-8331

Closing Date
February 19, 2025 - 4 p.m. local time

Project Description

The Town of Devon (the “Town”) is seeking proposals from individuals or companies to implement
options for parking solutions in Voyageur Park along with a cost to implement (“the Work”). The
Town would like to address the overpopulated parking areas within Voyageur Park in
the summer months as concerns increase regarding safety, capacity, and limited resources with
many visitors coming from out of Town.

Solicitation of Offers

The Town of Devon requires one (1) complete electronic proposal to be submitted and received by
3:00:00 pm Mountain Standard Time on February 12, 2025.

Contact Person:
Jordan Higgs
Manager, Recreation, Parks & Culture
Phone: 780-987-8331
Fax: 780-987-4778

Closing Date
February 12, 2025 - 3 p.m. local time

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Municipal Office Contact
Town of Devon Municipal Office
1 Columbia Avenue West
Devon, AB T9G 1A1

 Phone: 780-987-8300
 Fax: 780-987-4778
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