> Town Services > Garbage, Recycling & Organics > Organics


Each Devon residence eligible for curbside collection is provided with a green organics cart that can be used for food and yard waste or other organic waste. Organics are collected weekly from May until November and bi-weekly from November until May and are picked up on residents regular collection day (Tuesday or Wednesday) along with garbage and recycling.

What can I put in my organics cart?

  • Food waste
  • Yard waste (leaves, grass clippings, twigs and trimmings)
  • Food soiled paper and cardboard (pizza boxes, cardboard take-out, napkins)

Why should I properly dispose of organics?

Separating organics from your garbage (waste) decreases the amount of material that is being landfilled, allowing the life of existing landfills to be extended. This allows the organic material to be processed properly, reducing the release of methane gas to atmosphere and creating productive uses for the material, such as a nutrient rich compost added to soil.

What happens to organics after pick up?

Organic material is taken to an organics processing facility and converted into high quality compost for agriculture and other environmental uses.


To report a broken or damaged cart, or missed collection you can contact:

Issues with garbage collection can also be reported on the Our Devon App!

Kitchen Catchers

Food scraps, soiled paper and other household organic waste can be disposed of in a kitchen catcher lined with newspaper or compostable bag. Kitchen catchers and other organic yard waste can also be emptied directly into a green organics bin without being bagged.

Kitchen Catcher Pick Up Program

To support our Devon residents in diverting organic waste from the landfill, the Town of Devon will provide one Kitchen Catcher to residents who do not have one in their home.

Residents are invited to drop by the Town of Devon Municipal Office (#1 Columbia Ave. West) to provide their name and address to receive a Kitchen Catcher for their home free of charge (max 1 per address).

Preventing freezing in organics carts

During winter months, compostable bags can be used in your kitchen catcher to help prevent food waste from freezing inside your green cart.

Brown Bag & Grass Cycling

Brown Bags

A Brown Bag collection for extra yard waste is held every spring and fall, typically the week after Large Item Collection. Brown paper bags can be filled with grass clippings, leaves, twigs, and plant trimmings. These items can also be placed in your Organics (green) and are accepted at the Devon Recycling Depot year-round.


Branches should be taken to the Devon Town Yard at 10 Exploration Drive in the Devon Industrial Park.

Grass Cycling

Simply leaving grass clippings on your lawn and mowing bag-less can provide nutrients and help your lawn maintain moisture. Make sure to rake your lawn in the spring to remove dead grass and mow your lawn when it is dry to avoid grass clumping. Lawn is very resilient to dry conditions.

Watering less frequently can benefit grass root health and strenth. A single, deep watering every 7-10 days during the early morning or evening is more effective and leswasteful than many small waterings.

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The Town of Devon acknowledges the land we are on, Treaty Six territory and the homeland of the Métis, which encompasses the traditional lands of the Cree (nehiyawak), Blackfoot (niitsitapi), Nakota (isga), Anishinaabe (anishinaabeg), and Métis (michif) Peoples, who are the legal caretakers and protectors of the lands and waters, and who have been here since time immemorial.

We acknowledge that Devon is within the traditional lands and territories of kiskayôs (Bobtail) and maskêkosihk (Enoch Cree) First Nations. We shall continue to uphold our Treaty responsibilities to all Peoples of Treaty Six and continue to work with all Indigenous Peoples towards a better future together.

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Municipal Office Contact
Town of Devon Municipal Office
1 Columbia Avenue West
Devon, AB T9G 1A1

 Phone: 780-987-8300
 Fax: 780-987-4778
 Google Map: View Large Map

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