Hot Spot Checks: Extra patrols in identified areas to prevent or reduce crime.
Offender Checks: Regular monitoring and checking of known property criminals.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED): Education for home and business owners to make their property less susceptible to crime through practical strategies.
Domestic Violence Referral Project: The RCMP have teamed up with Devon FCSS to provide support services that can help address the root cause of domestic violence and stop the cycle of harm.
Checkstops: High visibility traffic safety initiative designed to make the roads safer by detecting and stopping drivers that are impaired by drugs or alcohol.
Substance Abuse Education: Providing information and education to the public related to drug or alcohol use, as well as enhanced training to officers to detect and deal with substance abuse situations.
School Visits: Each school in the Town of Devon has an assigned liaison officer who is primarily responsible for developing positive relationships with students and staff, as well as providing traffic safety enforcement.
Community Engagement Events: Ranging from parades, foot patrols, monthly Coffee With A Cop, participation in community events, Town Halls and many other activities, our goal is to build strong and lasting relationships in the community.
Every year the RCMP hosts a Town Hall for residents to learn about policing in Devon and to ask any questions about law enforcement.