Snow Removal
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Snow Removal

The Town prioritizes snow removal as follows:

  • Priority A - Central business district
  • Priority B - Arterial and collector roadways
  • Priority C - Local residential roadway and laneways

At any time, snow removal in one area may be temporarily suspended so crews can revisit higher priority roads that have received additional snowfall.

See Policy 4305 - Road Sanding and Snow Clearing here

Central Business District Snow Removal

If there is a heavy snowfall, priority will be given to the Priority A - Central Business District and Priority B - Arterial and Collector roadways before residential can commence.

Snow on these streets is plowed to the sides or middle of the roadway after each snowfall of 5 cm or greater. Snow in this area will be removed within tw working days once windrows reach a width that impedes traffic or parking.

Arterial & Collector Road Snow Removal

Arterial & Collector roads are the main, high traffic roads throughout Devon. Snow is generally plowed from these roads shortly after the Central Business District is cleared and prior to residential snow removal. 

Snow on these streets is plowed to the sides or middle of the roadway after each snowfall of 5 cm or greater. Once snow windrows reach a width that impedes traffic or parking, it will be removed.

Residential Street & Laneway Snow Removal

There are six residential zones in Priority C snow removal, which are plowed on a rotating schedule once the snowpack reaches a compacted depth of 10 cm. Laneway (alley) snow removal occurs at the same time as residential snow removal in the scheduled zone.

Once Public Works plan for snow removal is in place, it is posted on our website at and shared on the Town's social media.

Pathways & Sidewalk Snow Removal

Pathways and sidewalks are done simultaneously by Devon's Park Department along with other snow removal. Priority for pathway & sidewalk removal is public buildings followed by sidewalks and then trails. Outdoor ice surfaces are also cleared by parks staff once pathways complete.

See Policy 4306 - Public Sidewalk & Walkway Clearing here

Help us Remove Snow Safely

Give Crews Room to Work: During snow removal operations, please give crews and equipment plenty of room to work. This includes removing vehicles and other obstructions to allow for safe and efficient snow removal. When encountering snow removal equipment on the streets, slow down and follow at a safe distance until there is a safe and legal opportunity to pass.

Parking Reminder: Please move your vehicles off scheduled streets to ensure snow removal is completed quickly and efficiently. Streets scheduled for upcoming removal are marked with signs indicating the planned date at least 24 hours before scheduled removal. When signage is changed to "complete" residents may park their vehicles back on the street.

Schedule Changes: The snow removal schedule may change for a number of reasons, at which time street signage as well as the snow removal schedule webpage will be updated with new dates.

Curb Ramps: Residents with curb ramps are kindly asked to remove them prior to scheduled snow removal in their area to prevent damage to equipment.

Snow Removal Maps (PDFs)

Snow Removal FAQs

Snow removal on main roads occurs when snow accumulates to a minimum of 5 centimetres and other higher priority roads have been cleared to an acceptable condition.

When snow removal is scheduled there will be signage placed on the streets at least 24 hours before planned removal and the schedule will be posted on the Town of Devon website at

Priority is given to the following areas in this order:

  • Central business district
  • Arterial and collector roadways
  • Residential areas

If there is a heavy snowfall, priority will be given to central business district, arterial and collector roadways before residential can commence. (will link to Schedule A map).

Signs for snow removal are put up 24 hours in advance. Please make sure your vehicles are off the road prior snow removal.

In addition, notice may be placed on the Town website or Town Facebook page or any designated social media site, directing people to where updates will be posted.

Although crews do not clear residential streets 24 hours/day, parking is not permitted overnight on streets yet to be cleared. There is no set time for crews to finish an area and at times clearing may begin before 7:30 a.m. In order to ensure residential snow removal is completed as efficiently as possible, on-street parking is not permitted from the date and time snow removal operations are scheduled to begin until snow removal is complete and signage is removed. If you park on-street, whether overnight or during the day, you run the risk of being ticketed and towed.


Parks also follows a priority sequence for snow removal in this order:

  • Public Buildings
  • Sidewalks
  • Trails

Prevention of snow or ice buildup on sidewalks is your responsibility.

  • You must clear snow and ice from all sidewalks bordering your property.
  • Clear snow to bare surface within 48-hours of the snow event.
  • If you own a rental property, are traveling, or working out of town, you are still responsible to arrange for the clearing of your sidewalks after each snowfall.
  • Avoid placing snow removed from your sidewalk onto the road.

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