> Town Services > Utilities


The Town of Devon provides Water, Gas, Sewer and Garbage collection to residents. Utility bills are processed monthly based on flat fees and services consumed as determined by meter readings. Bills are typically mailed and emailed between the 10th and 12th of each month.

As utilities are billed after consumption, utility bills are due upon receipt. A grace period for payment without penalty is provided based on the date indicated on the bill. Payments can be made online with most financial institutions, through your bank, by mail or in person at the Town office.

Help us go Paperless

Help us go paper-free by signing up for paperless billing for your utility bills and tax notices.

Access the form here

Online Credit Card Payment Option

Our new OptionPay payment option enables resident to quickly make utility payments online. 

24-Hour Emergency Response

The department maintains a 24-hour emergency response system for roadways and utilities (water, drainage, sanitary sewer, natural gas).If you have a utility or drainage emergency, please call: 780-987-3342, and a service operator will respond to your call.

Utility Consumer Advocate

Learn more about finding the right utility company for you with the Utility Consumer Advocate at ucahelps.alberta.ca and compare electricity and gas prices in your area, view historical rates or get help resolving utility-related issues.

Capital Region Assessment Services Commission

CRASC provides municipalities with leading-edge assessment services, such as digital photos, to provide accessible records and up-to-date information for municipal administrators and property taxpayers.The limited number of assessment appeals filed with the member municipalities is a strong indicator of the high level of assessment services provided.

Utility Billing Inquiries

Our Finance and Support Services Department handles utility billing and connects/disconnects.

If you have questions or concerns about your utility bill or connects/disconnects, you can contact the Town of Devon Office at:

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The Town of Devon acknowledges the land we are on, Treaty Six territory and the homeland of the Métis, which encompasses the traditional lands of the Cree (nehiyawak), Blackfoot (niitsitapi), Nakota (isga), Anishinaabe (anishinaabeg), and Métis (michif) Peoples, who are the legal caretakers and protectors of the lands and waters, and who have been here since time immemorial.

We acknowledge that Devon is within the traditional lands and territories of kiskayôs (Bobtail) and maskêkosihk (Enoch Cree) First Nations. We shall continue to uphold our Treaty responsibilities to all Peoples of Treaty Six and continue to work with all Indigenous Peoples towards a better future together.

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Contact Us

Municipal Office Contact
Town of Devon Municipal Office
1 Columbia Avenue West
Devon, AB T9G 1A1

 Phone: 780-987-8300
 Fax: 780-987-4778
 Google Map: View Large Map

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