Water & Wastewater Utility
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Water & Wastewater Utility

Water Utilities

Devon's water utilities support more than 2,200 homes and businesses within the corporate limits of Devon plus the Sprucedale Water Coop, a group of farm customers between Devon and the International Airport. Water is lifted by submersible pumps from the North Saskatchewan River and treated at the Class III Plant. Current annual production is about 805,000 cubic metres, or an average of 2,200 cubic metres per day.

The Town of Devon fluoridates its drinking water in accordance with its Licence to Operate as issued by Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEP) and Sustainable Resource Development (AESRD). 

For more information, follow these links:

Water Distribution

Treated water from the water treatment plant flows to a 5 million litre underground concrete storage reservoir on Haven Avenue. The current water reservoir and distribution system are sized to serve the current Town population to an equivalent of about 10,000. The utility looks after approximately 42 kilometres of water lines in addition to 163 hydrants, 450 valves and over 2,200 customer water meters.

Water meters are tested and refurbished in the meter shop of the Public Works Operations Centre on a seven-year cycle to coincide with the natural gas utility gas meter re-certification program.

Meter & Service Installation

New subdivisions in the Town are pre-serviced with water service and a valve to the property line of the lot. In some of the older areas of Devon, services are not pre-installed; you may need to have the Town provide that service at your cost. 

For policies regarding new water mains and new water service connections:

In all cases, you are responsible for the cost of installing a new water meter in your house or building.

For more information, contact Public Works at:

Potable Water Quality

Under operating licence from Alberta Environment, the Town of Devon treats water to meet the Canada Drinking Water Standards. The Town tests its water daily and has a complete analysis verification of water quality parameters undertaken by an independent laboratory.

For a copy of the latest test results, contact the Devon Water Treatment Plant at:

Wastewater Utilities

The Town of Devon wastewater system consists of 33 kilometres of sanitary sewer mains, two sewage pumping stations and a Class III Treatment Plant. The average volume of wastewater treated by the wastewater treatment plant is 2,500 m3 per day or 803,000 m3 per year. About 800 tonnes of 20% solids sludge is produced and hauled to a site where it is turned into rich compost.

Sewer Service Installation

New subdivisions in Devon are pre-serviced with sanitary sewer to the property line of the lot. In some of the older areas of Devon, services are not pre-installed; you may need to have the Town provide that service at your cost.

Policies regarding new sewer mains and new sanitary sewer service connections:

For a schedule of charges or installation requests, contact Public Works at: 

Plugged Sewer?

The Town of Devon owns and operates the sewer system up to your property line; the sewer from the property line to your house is your responsibility.

If you are experiencing recurring problems with a plugged sewer and you believe the problem is on Town property, you can view the procedure for investigating and remedying the problem online by selecting Sewer Service Maintenance Policy.

For any additional questions contact public works at:

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Town of Devon Municipal Office
1 Columbia Avenue West
Devon, AB T9G 1A1

 Phone: 780-987-8300
 Fax: 780-987-4778
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