Town of Devon > Community > Programs > Neighbourly Devon
> Programs > Neighbourly Devon

Neighbourly Devon

Neighbourly Devon

Neighbourly Devon is an initiative designed to encourage neighbours to get to know each other based on the knowledge that socially connected neighbourhoods feel safer and are healthier, and happier.

Research tells us that when we know our neighbours, it:

  • Helps us feel safe when we watch out for one another
  • Improves our physical & mental wellness
  • Reduces isolation & increases our sense of belonging
  • Saves time & money by helping out & sharing resources
  • Supports healthy development of kids & youth

Volunteer to be a Neighbourhood Connector

  • Have a friendly chat with the closest 10-20 households in your area
  • Help neighbours connect at an activity at least once per year

Want to learn more about Neighbourly Devon?

Contact Ki Wilson, Family & Community Support Coordinator at P: 780-987-8325 or E:

Check out our Town of Devon Block Party Kit here!


  • "After living in my neighbourhood four and a half years, I still didn’t know very many of my neighbours. With the Town of Devon and Tim Hortons, I hosted a coffee event in front of my house. It was so easy and despite the unfavourable weather conditions, we had approximately 50 people come for a coffee and a visit.  It was a great time. Now I know more of my neighbours and we have a block party in the works." - Kootenay Ave. Resident
  • “The gatherings have made our neighbourhood friendlier.  When you drive through the neighbourhood, you now know who is behind those closed doors.  People wave more.  It also feels safer.  If there is an emergency, you could go and knock on one of those doors because you know who lives there now. There is an improvement in the quality of life.  It feels more like home.”  - Oakland Close Neighbourhood Resident
  • “Our neighborhood had two block parties.  They were beneficial to our sense of belonging and safety.  It’s important to know who lives in your neighbourhood. We feel like we are part of our community and have made new friends.  It is reassuring to be able to identify the people we see on our street and know they live in our neighbourhood.”  - Oakland Close Neighbourhood Resident

Neighbourhood Connector Volunteer Application

  • Thank you for your initiative in demonstrating that you care about the wellbeing of your neighbourhood and those in it. We can look forward to exploring together the good things anticipated as our neighbours become increasingly connected to each other.

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Municipal Office Contact
Town of Devon Municipal Office
1 Columbia Avenue West
Devon, AB T9G 1A1

 Phone: 780-987-8300
 Fax: 780-987-4778
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