The Town of Devon Traffic Safety Plan was first introduced in 2008 to encompass a strategic outlook to traffic safety. This Plan provides guidance to local law enforcement partners in implementing a coordinated enforcement effort toward achieving a reduction in the number of collisions, death and injuries in our Community. Overall, since the implementation of Traffic Safety Plans in the province, the number of collisions, deaths and injuries on Alberta’s roads have been trending towards a decrease in incidents. To build upon these traffic safety improvements, the 2022-2024 plan was created.
This local plan is supported through the Alberta Traffic Safety Plan 2015 and use of a Safer System Approach, which aims to encourage safer drivers, safer vehicles and safer roads. This Traffic Safety continuum is supported through the continuance of Vision Zero for the (2022-2024) Traffic Safety Plan. Priorities are addressed using several core strategies including education and communication, new technologies in relation to automated enforcement. Local enforcement initiatives executed in partnership of the RCMP and the Community Peace Officers with guidance from the Provincial Traffic Safety Plan Calendar.