Snow removal begins with Devon's Priority A & B roads as these are the main, high-traffic roads throughout Devon.
Please remember there is a parking ban in effect during snow removal with signs posted at least 24 hours before scheduled removal. Vehicles not removed will be ticketed and/or towed as they greatly impede the Town's ability to clear streets safely and efficiently.
Schedule Changes: The snow removal schedule may change for a number of reasons, at which time street signage as well as the snow removal schedule webpage will be updated with new dates.
When Priority A and B snow removal is in progress, the table below will be updated daily Monday to Friday during normal business hours.
There are six residential zones in Priority C snow removal, which are plowed on a rotating schedule once the snowpack reaches a compacted depth of 10 cm. Laneway (alley) snow removal occurs at the same time as residential snow removal in the scheduled zone.
When residential street snow removal is in progress, the table below will be updated daily Monday to Friday during normal business hours.
Snow Removal Update - Feb. 26
With ice removal continuing to be a challenge, Public Works has had to adapt their strategy and plan for snow/ice removal this week. They are aiming to plow and windrow the snow and ice on the scheduled days below and then haul away the windrows the following day. Any roads not completed on their scheduled day will be moved to next week on March 4. Thank you for your patience as they continue their snow/ice removal efforts.
All streets are listed alphabetically below by their priority area and residential zone (R1-R6)
R-1 Residential Streets
R-2 Residential Streets
R-3 Residential Streets
R-4 Residential Streets
R-5 Residential Streets
R-6 Residential Streets